“The swim back from the Reaper’s Barge had been Kaz’s rebirth.”

Kaz Rietveld was born on a farm, in a small village outside of Lij in Kerch. The first few years of his life were quiet, helping his older brother, Jordie and his father in any way that he could. He kept himself out of trouble, not wanting to add further stress to his father's life who was growing wary by the increasing number of visits from debt collectors. There was an accident when he was nine years old, it killed his father, leaving his body splayed out on a field, crushed by a plow. Jordie and him sold the farm and took what little money they had to go to Ketterdam in search of work.

And then his suffering began.

Once in Ketterdam, Kaz spent most of his time indoors, the streets not safe for young boys who could be robbed and stolen away - sold to slavers. His days were filled with replaying magician's tricks, figuring out how to make a coin disappear and reappear once more. Jordie would go into the city, searching for a job and often coming home empty handed. Just when it seemed as though all hope is lost, they met Jakob Hertzoon. Jakob helped them invest money into stocks, teaching Jordie the ropes and inviting the boys into his home. Kaz had a friend, they had somewhere to go for warm meals, everything was looking up and Kaz thought that maybe it would all be okay.

Jakob convinced Jordie to invest all of their remaining savings under his name due to Jordie's young age. Once it was done, Jakob and his family disappeared. The house they had spent so much time in was empty, the family Kaz had grown to know was missing, it was as if the Hertzoons never existed at all. The Queen Lady's Plague swept Ketterdam, and both Jordie and Kaz fell victim to it. It took Jordie's life and both boys were presumed to be dead, their bodies collected and shipped off to the Reaper's Barge to be burned. Kaz screamed and shouted from underneath the heap of the dead bodies but he was small and weak and no one heard a thing

He swam back to shore, leaning on Jordie one last time, using his brother's bloated body as a way to stay afloat while swimming back to Ketterdam. When he climbed to the shore, Kaz Rietveld had died and something far worse in his place had been born. A piece of machinery on the docks gave him a new name and Kaz Brekker's story began.

Pekka Rollins, Kaz learned, was Jakob Hertzoon's real name. The King of the Barrel, and Kaz swore that no matter what, he would destroy him for what he did. He built himself a reputation of cruelty and violence, killing anyone who got in his way, breaking the bones of anyone who even dared to look at him wrong. If there wasn't a job available to him, he took care of the person who did have one, creating an opening for himself.

He earned the nickname 'Dirtyhands', known for taking any job that was offered to him and when he was 12, he joined the Dregs - a small gang that he turned into his empire. He built up their reputation, rising through the ranks with ease and flipped the Crow Club into something worth being proud of, converted the Fifth Harbor so that it flourished with business. A criminal mastermind with a talent for lockpicking and schemes, Kaz has plans to ruin Pekka Rollins and become the wealthiest man in The Barrel.

Test Your Luck At The Tables


Meet The Dregs

The Dregs



Follows the events of the SOC duology and after - Kaz and his crows are tasked with breaking a man out of the Ice Court. Things don't go quite as smoothly as planned.
POST CK Kaz is in Ketterdam, having taken his profits and invested that money right back into the Dregs and his businesses. He's reacquired all that he lost and, on top of the Crow Club, he runs The Silver Six which has proven equally successful. He's not satisfied just yet and he has every intention of building his empire further, if only to watch it all burn.


Kaz Brekker has a long and tumultuous history of violence, crime, and gang affiliations. With a childhood spent in and out of juvenile detention centers, it's a miracle he's accepted into college at all. He makes every assurance that he's a changed man, the Dregs tattoo plastered on his forearm tells a different story. He studies business and political science and he excels with such ease it shocks his professors and peers alike.
He helps to manage The Crow Club, a bustling nightclub that houses a hidden speakeasy home to an illegal gambling den where criminals and the wealthy alike gamble away their savings. He's working towards taking complete ownership of both the club and his gang and with his long series of criminal pursuits, it's only a matter of time until he does. A master lockpick, money launderer, and thief, Kaz is the mastermind behind a large number of robberies that have plagued the surrounding area, of which, the police have no leads for.TEEN WOLF:
Kaz is a half-demon located in the Beacon Hills area. A far cry from a hero, he involves himself only for his own personal gain and has no qualms about turning his back on those that surround him if it's for the right price. He is loyal to a select few and a select few only — a small group of allies that he's associated himself with.
More details and lore info tba.

Born in District 9, Kaz is just 12 years old when his name gets called for the 68th annual Hunger Games and he has no family left alive to save him. Very few people have faith that Kaz can win, including his mentor who often just looks at him with pity and sadness, apologizing to him that he's been put in this situation. All it does is fuel Kaz's anger. Before the games begin, Kaz is the least favored tribute by the Capital due to his coldness and blunt nature in interviews that he makes clear he does not care about. As soon as he enters the arena, however, things change.
By the end of the first day, Kaz Brekker has already killed every single Career. He is brutal, ruthless, and absolutely nothing seems to slow him down. Not even the death of Imogen, the other tribute from his district he'd grown close with. His games are the shortest Hunger Games in history and Kaz is punished for it, for not making long enough of a spectacle out of them. Not only are his post-Games responsibilities expanded upon and extended but Snow notices opportunity in Kaz's meticulous planning. He is forced to work as a Gamemaker for the subsequent two years. Afterwards, Kaz is is required to become a mentor, which he does begrudgingly though effectively.When the Mockingjay rises, Kaz supports the rebellion full-heartedly and he involves himself in it heavily, though it's never made clear to anyone around him just why he is so vengeful.NARNIA:
From the World of Charn, Kaz steals a ring that grants him access to the Wood Between The Worlds, escaping just before Jadis uses The Deplorable Word and stumbling through a pool that leads him to Tenebrum, a world without a sun and ruled by a harsh emperor. It's a nation overrun with crime and Kaz finds himself in his element, gaining great wealth and power through ruthless means. When a devastating civil war breaks out that threatens to destroy everything, Kaz uses the ring once more, jumping into Narnia to learn that while under ten years have passed in Tenebrum, hundreds have passed in Narnia. He's quick to adjust, settling into the land and falling back into a life of crime, carving a space for himself as a skilled thief and dangerous man to cross.

Kaz grows up on Naboo on a small farm with his brother, Jordie, and his father. They live simply but they are happy, which is more than most can say under the Empire. In a flash, Kaz loses it all. His father dies in a farm accident and so his brother and him sneak aboard a ship to Coruscant, where they believe they can start anew. When they arrive with very little to their name, they find themselves forced down to the lower levels of the planet, surrounded by disease, death, and destitute conditions. Jordie dies soon after they arrive as a result of a scam by a crime boss in the area going by the name Jakob Hertzoon.
The trauma of it leaves Kaz with an aversion to touch but he fights his way up a few levels, beginning a successful and bloody life of crime. He earns himself the reputation of "Dirtyhands" as a result of being willing to do any job for the right price. Eventually, he joins a gang and begins working at the Crow Club, a floating space casino, which he later fully acquires as his own to manage.Kaz has little interest in the war or the rebellion, but if they have the credits for it, he's more than willing to help.PJO:
Kaz is a child of Hermes, though for many years he doesn't know it. When he is 11, his brother dead, his parents dead, and fueled by a desire for revenge, Kaz robs a jewelry store with a new crew. One of the crew leaves him with a business card with information and an address. His curiosity getting the best of him, Kaz follows the rabbit hole where he ends up at Camp Half Blood. In the beginning, he struggles to believe it's all real but eventually he comes around.
Kaz receives a quest from the Oracle fairly early on to his stay at the camp, where he's tasked with stealing an old relic. While it's implied he's meant to complete this with others, he is young and overconfident and he attempts it alone. While he does succeed, it leaves him with a limp.He is neutral in the war against Kronos, not wanting to throw his life away, but he does begrudgingly fight against him towards the end of the war purely for those he is loyal to. Being a child of Hermes, Kaz is extremely persuasive and perceptive, GREAT with money/mathmatics, and has Clauditiskinesis (ability to control locks + lock intuition).